Textual Records (in Fort Worth): Letters sent, 1902-6, andreceived, 1897-1914. Records of tribal governments, 1873-1907,including constitution and laws of the Choctaw Nation, 1894-1904.Records relating to enrollment, 1852-1919, including enrollmentcards, 1899-1907; applications for enrollment, 1898-1914; andtribal rolls, 1852-1900. Records relating to Cherokeecitizenship, 1878-1911, including brief and arguments filed byJoseph P. Mullen, 1896; lists of applicants as freedmen, 1897;applications for enrollment, 1898-1907; and applications forenrollment as freedmen, 1897. Records relating to Choctaw andChickasaw citizenship, 1893-1907, including duplicate Choctaw-Chickasaw applications for enrollment, 1896-98; certified copiesof orders of the U.S. Court at South McAlester on appeals underthe act of June 10, 1896, 1897; and case files on applicationsfor transfers by freedmen or enrollment, 1905-6. Records of theChoctaw-Chickasaw Citizenship Court, including case files, 1902-4; lists of claimants, 1902; general and appearance dockets,1902-4; and minutes, 1902-4. Records relating to theidentification of Mississippi Choctaws, 1899-1906, includingdecisions of the Dawes Commission, 1902-4. Records relating toCreek citizenship, 1885-1907, including enrollment cards, 1898;and index to freedmen enrollment cards, 1898. Records relating toSeminole citizenship, 1900-5, including index to newborns, 1905.Records relating to allotment, 1899-1910, including applicationsfor allotment, 1899-1907. Records relating to allotments toCherokees, 1902-14, including denied allotment applications,1902-7; and index to rejected freedmen, n.d. Records relating tothe sale of improvements by intermarried Cherokees, includingclaims to sell improvements, 1907-14; and records relating todisclaimers, 1907-12. Records relating to the sale of surplusholdings by Delaware-Cherokees, 1904-7, including claims to sellimprovements. Records relating to allotments to Choctaws, 1902-17, including allotment ledgers, 1903-10; record of conveyancesto Murrow Indian Orphans Home, 1907-9; and conveyances to MurrowIndian Orphans Home, 1906-9. Records relating to allotments toChickasaws, 1902-14, including letters received from the ChoctawLand Office, 1903-6. Records relating to allotments to Creeks,1899-1914, including record of allotments. Records relating toallotments to Seminoles, 1901-14. Records relating to Choctaw-Chickasaw townsites, 1899-1908. Records relating to Creektownsites, 1891-1908.
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